Content Operations

Download our free ‘5 things you need to know before you get started with content operations’ checklist

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Content strategy expert Rahel Anne Bailie has written this checklist to help digital communicators like you, make the leap into content operations.

5 things you need to know about content operations ebook cover.
I want to understand how to get started in content operations

What you need to know about content ops

Content professionals are being asked to do more with their content, and respond to more complex business demands, yet the traditional systems we’ve used have become inadequate for the increased complexity demanded of us. Content production is expected to run like a well-oiled machine. Between the demand for omnichannel strategies, for multiple output channels, for personalisation, and to do so at scale requires a tight operational model that future-proofs our content model so that we can deliver at pace.

We’ve created a checklist with Rahel Anne Bailie, the author of our Content Operations course, to help you get started super quick into the world of contentops.

What's included:

  • 5 areas you can focus on to get started.
  • Simple steps to get further ahead in the world of ContentOps.

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