It turns out that the ancient Babylonians and Firehead have something in common –and no it’s not our penchant for lovely gardens and long hair. Like our ancient forerunners, who conducted the world’s first population census in 3800BC, we are taking our own first steps into the world of surveys. One which we aim to make relevant to our content clients and job-seeking candidates alike.
While we’re not counting anything so grand as an ancient civilisation, we do want to take stock of the content strategy hiring market. And so we’ve launched a Content Strategy Recruitment Trends Survey.
We want to find out more from hiring managers, and those involved in hiring content strategists, whether by asking for budget or advising others on their needs, about their needs in 2012. We want to know what they are looking for in an ideal candidate, what issues they’ve faced with potential job candidates, and so on.
So if you’re involved or in-the-know about hiring content talent – perm, temp or freelance – please help us out and take a few minutes to answer the questions below and share the content strategy community love. We promise to love the community right back by sharing our findings.
Thanks for our help!