Share the birthday love, come blog with us!

Skyline view of Paris with Eiffel Tower in background.

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Want to be our BFF? (That’s Blogging Friend Forever.)

To celebrate our first blogging birthday on 16 June, we’re looking for the A-team of guest bloggers to help our candidates negotiate the world of international technical communication, content strategy and related subjects.

As a central hub for recruitment in these areas, Firehead has achieved a page rank of 4 and is becoming increasingly popular. But we want to be more helpful. And we want more friends! (Don’t you?)

So now we’re looking for professionals in our field who know their stuff and can blog about it with insight, relevance, humour and personality.

We’re also interested in hearing from candidates who have particularly interesting anecdotes to share or relevant job-hunting stories to tell. Basically, we just love to hear from interesting people.

We’ve come a long way since our first post and now are looking to the stars (that’s you)!

Are any of these your specialist topic?

  • Technical communications
  • Professional communications
  • Content strategy
  • Web content
  • UX
  • IA
  • Copywriting
  • Agile project management
  • CVs and interviews
  • Personal branding
  • Single sourcing
  • SEO and analytics
  • Localisation / globalisation in online communications

If so, email us at and let us know what, in particular, you’d like to write about. Of course, international writers, who have mastered blogging in English, are welcome to apply.

You know what? We also love to hear from those of you learning about the field and your process of discovery, tech people turning author, tech author turning content strategist, those of you taking up UX and why – you don’t have to be an expert. And I’d like to throw in my personal pet topic: tales and adventures from your contracts abroad. You people get up to some wacky stuff when you travel.

What happens next?

If we like your work and your idea, we’ll ask you to write a 300-word guest post. It must be original work not published elsewhere, and not a promotion piece for your company. We also reserve the right to make any necessary edits and to adorn your lovely words with pictures and the like.

The published piece will include your byline and a juicy page rank 4 link to your own site or blog if you have one. It will also be promoted through our online channels.

Even better, you’ll also receive a whole lot of love from us, hopefully some excellent exposure and membership in our rather exclusive BFF team.

So come say hello and happy birthday at – and share the Firehead love!

CJ Walker

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