A war for (your) talent is coming – how can you stand out?

Skyline view of Paris with Eiffel Tower in background.

Orange figure standing out from greyDigital communicators of the world: I have some really good news for you. Economic forecasts abound with predictions of another ‘war for talent’ coming soon to a computer near you. (For the best and brightest, of course, but hey, we digital people are hip.) It appears to already be underway in Silicon Valley, where top firms are reporting near 1999 levels for resourcing candidates.

And what areas are in demand, you ask?

As niche European recruiters of web content and comms talent, we already know that social media, digital communications, strategy and planning, web analytics and metadata skills are right up there. Tech comm people: you’re not being left out – if you’re keeping your skill set up with the market, it’s digital, too.

But we’ve reported on these trends before. What am I getting all worked up about now?

This ‘war for talent’ translates into a candidate-led market.

And this means that we should expect a period of intense competition among recruiters, where top applicants are both scarce and picky. Companies regularly poach each others’ talent, and bidding for top talent can turn into a cut-throat business. I remember these times well from my Microsoft days in the 1990s. It’s not pretty behind the scenes – I’ll just leave it at that.

Things are already changing; but there’s not likely to be a loud warning to wake you up because this sort of shift is subtle.But, hey, digital people! You’re in an in-demand and growing area. The top social media companies are already starting to fight it out for the attention of highly valued candidates in a more competitive market.

Not where I live! I hear you say. Not true!

If you work in a small town on the Tundra, for example – like someone you might know if you read this blog frequently – you might think I’m nuts because high unemployment rates still prevail in your town or region. This is the beauty of digital working. It doesn’t matter where you are, if you do good work in a sector that is in demand.

If you work in digital technology, including content and data analytics, science or social media, you can work almost anywhere you want to – as long as you can provide your own space to work in and the necessary computer equipment to work on.

In this situation, the shortage is not the number of people available – there may be many – but the number who have the required advanced skill sets. It’s a shortage of niche or advanced skills and talent that is a creating the coming digital timebomb, not a people shortage. Real, well-strategised content will truly be recognised as king.

So, should you just sit there and wait for the jobs to stream in?

No. (Did you really expect me to say yes?)

You, the talented, experienced digital communicator, need to be constantly updating your skill set to align it with demand and hone your niche offering. Only advanced skill sets in niche areas will get you noticed. And when I say niche, I mean the whole sink: digital AND industry knowledge AND other combinations.

For example, people who know about the intricacies of web analytics and the canine-grooming-and-kennel community who also specialise in writing about the newest trends in poodle trims. Or content managers with a background in finance who have become experts in formatting e-books on Kindle.

Interested hirers will search out this long-tail of candidate career skills the world over. Geography is no longer a problem. The strange part may be that these talents exist, but the unstrange part is that these people can now find each other on the web.

In a market with no geographic boundaries, advanced and niche skills will be the differentiators that get you the jobs. If you’re ready, the market will be ready for you – while the generalists are still waiting in the application queue.

Smart recruiters are already beginning prepare for this major shift in the dynamics of talent acquisition.

What are you doing to update your skills and create your niche offering?

CJ Walker

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