Best of 10 years of the Firehead blog

Skyline view of Paris with Eiffel Tower in background.

cupcake happy birthday Firehead log

Today the Firehead blog turns 10 years old! It’s a big blog birthday and one that comes with some big news for Firehead – to be revealed later this week (later is now!).

For 10 years, we have blogged the fast-changing field of digital communications and recruitment across a range of topics such as techcomm, content strategy, UX, metadata, augmented reality, AI, chatbots, with insider insight on the jobs that go with these roles.

We are amazed and proud of our 10-year blogiversary. And we are thankful to our readers, clients, candidates and community for their support. To celebrate and to show the kind of insights and services we offer, we’ve put together our pick of the past 10 years.

  1. The Firehead Big List of 2019 Content & Comms Conferences – every year we round up the conferences that can help you develop your skills in digital communications and give your career a boost. We also cover them as much as we can in post-conference review posts.
  2. Interview with a Chatbot Conversation Designer – this Q&A is one of many in our popular jobs insights series, which goes behind the scenes of various job roles in digital communications to discover rates of pay, skills sets, daily tasks and more direct from those working in the role.
  3. Blogging is fantastic! – our very first post back from June 2009. Since then hundreds of thousands of users have come through our site with many leaders in the field of content strategy, content marketing and tech comm guest-posting their thoughts and expertise.
  4. A brief history of content strategy – in 2013 we attempted a chronology of how content strategy developed. It became our most discussed and debated post! Do you agree with our review?
  5. How much does copywriting cost? The 2017 survey results… – it’s important to know your worth in the jobs market. We try to answer the big question of ‘how much?’ wherever we can through industry surveys like this one.
  6. Information 4.0 – a techcomm primer – over the years we’ve created starter kits and guides to new areas and developments in our field. This latest series by techcomm expert Neil Perlin looks at the future of documenting technical information as AI, the Internet of Things, big data, the cloud, and other methodologies, standards and technologies come into common use.
  7. Confab 2019 – content strategy conference roundup – after big conferences, we pull out some of the presentations and posts we think will be most useful to our readers. This one looks at content strategy; our other areas of interest currently include: AI, chatbots, Information 4.0, techcomm content modelling, data science, metadata, machine learning, molecular content, terminology management, plain language and much more. This list would have been very different 10 years ago!
  8. Five background investigation checks recruiters employ to weed out CV lies – thought you could get away with it? Think again, says Firehead’s chief recruiter, CJ Walker. To help our readers through the recruitment and job application process, we offer a recruiter’s eye view and expert advice.
  9. 10 CV buzzwords to avoid – and what to replace them with! – job applicants will also find lots more advice in our CV section.
  10. How to skill up in writing for machines – Firehead now offers training and development to help professional digital communicators get ahead in their careers and be skills-ready for the future of work. Join our online cohort for our latest training course or read more posts covering the rise of AI on the blog.

We hope you enjoyed reading our best of the Firehead blog and look forward to the next 10 years of covering the fast-changing field of digital communications and recruitment. We’ll be posting our company news later this week. And we’ll be calling out for guest bloggers for our job interview series soon.

Until then, please do get in touch if you have any digital hiring needs, or training requirements to fulfil or wish to apply to join our digital talent bank as a job candidate.

Thank you for reading!

CJ Walker and the Firehead Team

Image (CC) adapted from Design n Print / Pixabay. 

CJ Walker

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