Recruiting now for the zombie apocalypse (and other jobs)

Skyline view of Paris with Eiffel Tower in background.

Vintage zombie apocalyspe recruitment poster by Zazzle Art

Happy Hallowe’en, Firehead readers! If you’re not a doctor, fighter or engineer ready to take up arms against the zombies this October 31 – as per Zazzle’s recruitment poster (click to buy) – that’s fine. For tomorrow we return to our main task: recruiting digital communication professionals to fight the content apocalypse.

We’re looking for professionals in technical communication, editing, metadata, digital planning, content strategy, content marketing, augmented reality, usability (UX) and other digital areas in demand.

>>> Enlist here, soldiers! <<<

Also, check out our Jobs section for current openings and @FireheadLtd on Twitter for further postings. And get in touch if you’d like to be featured in our Jobs Q&A.

Zombie + apocalypse = two lovely words, don’t you think?

CJ Walker

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